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Welcome to the WONDERFUL WORLD of JoeBob!

For you few crazy cats out there who don't know who JoeBob is...he's our turtle.  And this is his site.  Ha ha ha.  Enjoy!

So here's the spiel...the story of JoeBob:  One day Kat was on vacation.  On vacation in California.  San Diego, California.  She was sunbathing at the beach - Oh wait!  We mean she was sunBURNING at the hotel pool, and she came across a small green object.  The small green object turned out to be a teenage mutant ninja turtle doll - oops!  ACTION FIGURE (for all you guys out there)...more affectionately known as....JOEBOB!

Now JoeBob is no normal turtle.  Oh he's special.  He has special abilities.  If you push his head down, all you have to do to make it pop right back up there is squeeze his two very muscular legs together and whoa!  There. It. Is.  *Lol*  Now as bad as this's really not...guess you'll just have to trust us on that one.
As glamorous as JoeBobs life sounds...It's not all fun and games...But you'll have to click to his "Personal Page" to hear more of this fascinating story.
Continue on oh wonderer (onederer--indoors joke, ah ha ha ha!)

The Man Himself

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